
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF6P马力船外机/舷外机/船用发动机

[日期:2009-06-16] 来源:  作者: [字体: ]




型号 DF6
冲程数 4冲程 OHV
燃料供应系统 化油器
艉板高度 S:15, L:20  in
启动系统 手动
重量 S:55.1 (25), L:57.3 (26) kg
气缸数 1
排量 138cc
气缸直径X行程 2.4 × 1.8 (62 × 46)
最大输出hp (kw)/rpm 6.0 (4.4)/5250
最大转数范围 4750  5750
操作方式 手动
燃料仓容积 内置0.4(1.5)
机油 0.5 (0.13/0.11)
点火系统 CDI
发电机 12V 6A 
发动机安装 套管式
操作系统 手动
齿轮比 12:23 (1.92)
档位 前进-空挡-后退
尾气排放 直排



7-1/2 × 6-1/2


铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF6P参数表
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF6P参数表
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF6P外观
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF6P外观
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF6P内部结构 
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF6P内部结构
Tilt Up Handle A handle built into the backside of the engine cover offers easy tilting of the out-board. Lifting on the handle makes tilting of the engine from the normal drive position to any one of the two shallow water drive positions or full tilt posi-tion a simple operation.
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF6P内部结构
MORE FEATURES THAT ASSIST IN OPERATION Large Clutch Lever Both outboards are fitted with a large plastic clutch lever that promotes easier shifting.
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF6P内部结构
Integral Fuel Tank Both the DF4 and DF6 are equipped with a built-in 1.5-liter fuel tank that is the largest fuel tank offered in their class. Using a 12 ft. aluminum boat in a factory test, the outboard ran for a total of 45 min (approximately 2.0-liter/hour) on a full tank of fuel. This makes short excursions possible without the use of an external fuel tank. For extended use, the DF6 is equipped with a remote fuel connector for use with an external tank (optionally available on the DF4).
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF6P内部结构
Carrying Handle Carrying the out-board is made easier with the incorpora-tion of a large, ring-shaped carrying handle. Designed with smooth edges and lacking any sharp angles, the carrying handle offers plenty of space for both hands and is positioned to balance the load.
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF6P内部结构
USER-FRIENDLY FEATURES Tiller Handle The DF4 and DF6 are equipped with a tiller handle that extends out from the steering bracket. This design positions the operator further forward in the boat to provide better weight distri-bution which, helps in getting an inflatable to plane quicker. The outboard is designed to turn 90° both left and right of center. This feature helps docking and tight turning of the boat while its 90° stopping points provide an easy-to-recognize refer-ence of the outboard’s angle. With the tiller handle attached to the steering bracket rather than the motor itself, and the utilization of a large rubber mount inside the same steering bracket, vibration in the tiller handle has been greatly reduced. Steering is smoother due to the utilization of an upper bushing placed between the steering bracket and the swivel brack-et. Steering tension can be adjusted with a large friction adjuster to regulate steering effort and feel.
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF6P使用照片
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF6P使用照片
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF6P使用照片
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF6P使用照片
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