
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF90-80-70P马力船外机/舷外机/船用发动机

[日期:2010-04-27] 来源:橡皮艇网  作者:橡皮艇网 [字体: ]


铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF90-80-70P参数表

铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF90-80-70P参数表
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF90-80-70P外观 
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF90-80-70P外观
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF90-80-70P使用照片 
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF90-80-70P使用照片
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF90-80-70P使用照片
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF90-80-70P内部结构
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF90-80-70P内部结构
The making of a compact outboard
Suzuki’s engineers are well known for their ability at
reducing the size of the outboard. Their skills have created
some of the most compact four-stroke outboards in their
respective classes. Taking a fresh approach to the
DF70/80/90, every part and component has been designed
from the ground up. Applying the knowledge and technical
advancements gained over the last ten years they have
succeeded again at reducing outboard size and weight.
Offset Driveshaft
Pioneered with the first generation DF90, Suzuki’s offset
driveshaft has played an effective role in reducing the size
of the outboard. The design uses intermediate reduction
gearing to position the crankshaft in front of the driveshaft,
moving the outboard’s center of gravity forward for better
weight distribution on the transom. It also provides
improvements in power performance,
balance, and vibration
Combining the offset driveshaft
with a newly designed powerhead,
Suzuki engineers have created an
outboard that is about 7.5cm (3
inches) shorter than the original
DF90 and up to 23cm (9 inches)
shorter than competitive models
making the new DF90 the most
compact outboard in its class. Its
compact design facilitates installation
on a wider range of boats,
and offers more room around the
transom for fishing and other
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF90-80-70P内部结构
DOHC 4-Valve Engine

The DF70/80/90 benefit from Suzuki’s unrivaled experience
in the design and manufacture of motorcycle, automotive,
and marine engines. Drawing upon their past advancements
and achievements, Suzuki engineers have provided these
new outboards with advanced engineering that delivers high
power output, performance, fuel economy, and efficient
Starting with an in-line 4-cylinder block, Suzuki designed an
all new, more compact dual overhead cam (DOHC) powerhead
with four valves per cylinder. Its design has reduced
the overall size of the outboard while providing high performance
power. Power is delivered via a two-stage mixed cam
drive system consisting of gears that transfer power
between the crankshaft and the drive shaft, and a chain that
delivers power from the drive shaft to the camshaft.
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF90-80-70P内部结构
Two-Stage Gear Reduction

To take maximum advantage of the power produced by
these high performance engines, Suzuki engineers have
utilized a two-stage gear reduction ever since the introduction
of the original DF90. The second generation
DF70/80/90 follow in their predecessor’s footsteps
employing the same method to provide an efficient means
of supplying maximum propulsion.
The key to gaining maximum propulsion is through the use
of a large diameter propeller with a suitable pitch. But
spinning a larger propeller requires more torque, which
requires larger gears or a larger gearbox adding weight and
resistance that do not always produce effective results.
Suzuki engineers have long used a two-stage gear reduction
system that provides the needed torque without adding
unwanted bulk and weight. Through this method, the
DF70/80/90 achieve a powerful 2.59:1 final drive ratio,
producing the needed torque for
quick acceleration and great
top-end speed.
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF90-80-70P内部结构2(螺旋桨) 
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF90-80-70P内部结构2(螺旋桨)
Streamlined Gear Case and Highly Efficient Propeller

The lower gear case on all three outboard motors utilizes a
hydrodynamic design that was first introduced on the
flagship DF300. As the lower unit moves through the water
its sleek form reduces drag by up to 36% compared to
conventional designs, contributing to faster acceleration
and increased speed.
Thanks to the robust torque delivered with Suzuki’s twostage
gear reduction, these outboards can turn a large
diameter propeller. Suzuki engineered a new highly efficient
propeller that takes advantage of this torque to provide
faster acceleration and higher top speed.
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF90-80-70P内部结构3 
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF90-80-70P内部结构3
Timing Chain

The DF70/80/90 are equipped with a timing chain that uses
an automatic hydraulic tensioner to keep tension in check.
The system provides users with years of maintenance free
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF90-80-70P内部结构3
New Trim and Tilt Limit System

The new trim and tilt limit
system is designed to protect
the boat from damage that can
occur when tilting the
outboard. The system is
designed with a tilt angle
sensor that incorporates both
the functions of a tilt limit and
trim sender. Using a step-free, continuous type tilt limiter
makes installation of the outboard possible on nearly any
type of boat.
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF90-80-70P内部结构3
Dual Engine Flush Ports

The buildup of salt, sand, and dirt
in the engine’s cooling system can
lead to damage over time. The
DF70/80/90 are designed with dual
freshwater flush ports to make
flushing of the cooling system as
convenient as possible. One inlet
located on the port side and a
second on the front panel provide
easy access and facilitate flushing
of the system whether the boat is
in or out of the water.
Suzuki Anti Corrosion Finish

Suzuki’s specially formulated anti-corrosion finish increases
the durability of the engine and helps to protect parts of the
aluminum exterior that are constantly exposed to saltwater.
Applied directly to the outboards exterior, this advanced
finish allows maximum bonding of the finish to the
outboard’s aluminum surface, creating an effective treatment
against corrosion.
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF90-80-70P速度比较
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF90-80-70P速度比较
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