
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF300P马力船外机/舷外机/船用发动机

[日期:2010-04-27] 来源:橡皮艇网  作者:橡皮艇网 [字体: ]


铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF300P参数表

铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF300P参数表
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF300P使用照片
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF300P使用照片
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF300P外观及内部结构 
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF300P外观及内部结构
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF300P精密控制 
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF300P精密控制
Suzuki Precision Control (Electronic Throttle and Shift Systems
Suzuki Precision Control offers boaters the latest in
technologically advanced control systems. The core of the
system is a sophisticated computer-based control system
that does away with the mechanical cables found in
conventional control systems, replacing them with electronic
wiring that eliminates the source of friction and
resistance. While you enjoy smooth, friction free throttle
operation, the system’s computer is processing and
transmitting commands in real-time to actuators at the
engine that do all of the physical work, delivering precise
throttle control with smoother, decisive shifting. This is
most evident in the low rpm range where operation is
noticeably smooth and accurate. Suzuki Precision Control
also features built-in systems that help guard the engine
and drive against damage due to mishandling, and its
design and simple wiring make installation easy, reducing
the time required for rigging and adjustment. The system
offers precision control for triple installation as well as
dual station operation.
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF300P进气结构 
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF300P进气结构  铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF300P进气结构
Long Track Intake Manifold

Another performance enhancing feature on the DF300 is
a long track intake manifold. Using long intake pipes with an
inline layout tuned to smooth airflow into the engine the
system provides the DF300 with enhanced power.
Large Air Intake with Water Separator

The DF300 is designed with a large air induction port to
maximize airflow into the engine in order to obtain maximum
power output. The increased airflow produces more
low- to mid-range torque and provides a wide powerband
that is necessary in an outboard engine. Suzuki also designed
the system with a water separator, which aids in keeping
water out of the electronic throttle body and a heat shield to
keep intake air from being heated by the engine
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF300P跟多使用照片
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF300P跟多使用照片
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF300P跟多使用照片
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF300P跟多使用照片
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