
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF250ss马力船外机/舷外机/船用发动机

[日期:2010-04-27] 来源:橡皮艇网  作者:橡皮艇网 [字体: ]


铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF250ss参数表

铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF250ss参数表
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF250ss外观
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF250ss外观
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF250ss进气图
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF250ss进气图
Large Air Intake, and Flywheel with
Fan Blades

   Increasing airßow into the engine can increase power output, so
Suzuki engineers designed the DF250SS with dual air induction
ports to maximize airßow into the
engine to obtain maximum power
output. e increased airßow delivers
more low- to mid-range torque and
provides the outboard with a wider
The flywheel is designed with fan
blades that expel heat from within the
engine cover and discharge the hot air
out of the side of the cowl, keeping the
temperature within the cowl under control.
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF250ss零配件 
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF250ss零配件
Genuine Suzuki Parts and Accessories

Genuine Suzuki Parts and Accessories are your key to total performance
and boating satisfaction. Suzuki controls and gauges give boaters
the power and information they need to master any day on the water. We
o!er a full line of premium quality stainless steel props speciÞcally
engineered to maximize the performance and fuel e"ciency of Suzuki
4-stroke outboards. And you can rely on genuine Suzuki fuel and oil
Þlters, engine oil and gear oil. Suzuki Marine 4 Cycle Engine Oil o!ers
your outboard the Ultimate in performance and protection. Our engine
oil meets the advanced NMMA FC-W certiÞcation, providing superior
lubrication and the industries most complete panel of anti-corrosion
additives and rust inhibitors.. e Suzuki Modular Instrument System
uses an easy to connect and expandable cable system to transmit graphic
and numerical data to Multi-Function gauges. Easy to set up and
install, these SMIS Multi-Function Gauges display real-time
readings that monitor all engine functions. ese gauges are
also NMEA 2000 compatible, and with the simple push of a
few buttons, access to a wealth of vital data is
right at your Þngertips. Here at Suzuki Marine,
we have what you need to keep your Suzuki
outboard running strong season a#er season.
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF250ss使用照片 
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF250ss使用照片
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF250ss使用照片
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF250ss使用照片
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF250ss使用照片
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF250ss使用照片
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF250ss使用照片
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