
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF175-150P马力船外机/舷外机/船用发动机

[日期:2010-04-27] 来源:橡皮艇网  作者:橡皮艇网 [字体: ]
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF175-150P参数表
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF175-150P参数表
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF175-150P外观 
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF175-150P外观
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF175-150P外观
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF175-150P内部结构 
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF175-150P内部结构
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF175-150P内部结构2(两个引擎冲洗端口)
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF175-150P内部结构2(两个引擎冲洗端口)
Two Engine Flush Ports

Salt, sand, and dirt can buildup in the engine’s cooling
system, causing damage over time. The DF150 and DF175
are equipped with two freshwater flush ports to make
flushing of the cooling system as convenient as possible.
One port located on the port side of the down housing and
a second located on the front panel provide easy access
and facilitate flushing of the system whether the boat is in
or out of the water.
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF175-150P内部结构3 
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF175-150P内部结构
Fuse Box

Fuses protecting the
outboard’s electric system
are assembled into a single
fuse box located on the
side of the outboard motor.
This configuration offers
convenient access and
creates a clean exterior.
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF175-150P内部结构4
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF175-150P内部结构4
Tilt Limit Switch

The motor tilt system incorporates a tilt limit switch
that prevents the motor from tilting beyond a predetermined
point. The system can be set by the user and can be
used to protect both the boat and motor from damage that
can occur when tilting the motor.
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF175-150P使用照片 
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF175-150P使用照片
铃木(Suzuki) 4冲程 DF175-150P使用照片



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